Les Revenants Wiki
Vital statistics
Position Twin sister of Léna Séguret

Daughter of Claire Séguret and Jérôme Séguret

Student (former)

Age 15 (at time of death)
Status Returned

First Appearance: ep. 1.1 Camille

Death Episode: ep. 1.1 Camille, victim of bus accident

Returned Episode: ep. 1.1 Camille

Last Appearance: ep. 2.8 Les Revenants

Physical attributes
Height --
Weight --

Camille is the daughter of Claire and Jérôme and the twin sister of Léna, however she is now younger than her sister as she died on a bus crash in 2008 and was resurrected four years later.


Four years before the events of season one, Camille was killed in a bus accident along with Audrey, Esteban, and 35 other students. Her twin sister, Lena, was not on the bus.

Season 1[]

Four years after the accident, Camille awakens by the area where she died. She does not know that she is dead and ends up walking back home. When she gets home an hour later, she starts to prepare a sandwich when her mother, shocked by her dead daughter's sudden reappearance, talks with her. While Camille takes a bath, her mother calls her father and Pierre to let them know that she returned. She also rearranges Camille's room to make it look like it was before she died.


The Séguret family after Camille discovers that she died

At first Jerome and Pierre do not believe Claire when she tells them the news, but are shocked when they see Camille. Trying not to let Camille know, they question her to figure out how she came back.

Later that night, Lena returns to her room by climbing the wall. Camille. who is in the next room, hears Lena and knocks on the wall. When Lena cautiously responds, Camille enters her sister's room, only to discover that Lena has aged.

Season 2[]

Camille and Claire live in a house in the returned headquarters. Although Claire is afraid of the other returned, Camille is frustrated and wants to go outside.

Camille often confides in her frustrations to Virgil, another returned. He shares what he knows about being a returned with her, such as their ability to read other returneds' minds through touch. Camille uses this new power to see how Virgil died.

Camille and virgil